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Crow pose, also named Kakasana in Sanskrit, is a really fun and empowering arm balancing yoga pose that is in no way easy to master.

The keys are to learn where your center of gravity is and how to distribute your weight so that you can balance. The core muscles play a big part in this pose and it is important to overcome your fear so that you can lean forward enough to find the pivot point needed to balance on your hands and stay there.

I can assure you that once you understand the mechanics of balancing on your hands, you won't be able to stop, take it as a game! Are you ready to play?

How to Crow pose

  1. Start in Squat (Malasana) pose with the feet apart and your knees wider than your hips.

  2. Place your hands flat in front of your feet shoulder-distance apart with your middle fingers pointing forward and your fingers spread.

  3. Lift your hips high, place your feet parallel behind your hands.

  4. Bend your elbows toward you, as if you were going into Chaturanga.

  5. Come onto the balls of your feet, press your hands firmly into the ground and place your knees as high up as you can on the back of your upper arms.

  6. Begin to bring your weight forward into your hands, round strongly through the upper back drawing your side waist up, USING YOUR ABDOMINALS.

  7. Continue to reach your chest forward until your elbows stack over your wrists and you feel your center of gravity shift.

  8. Come up onto your tiptoes, lifting one foot and then the other off the floor.

  9. Try to lift both of your feet and hug them toward your bottom.

· Hold for 5–10 breaths.

· To come out of the pose, on an exhalation transfer your weight back until your feet come back to the floor.


This pose:

✨ Strengthens core, wrists, forearms, arms, shoulders and inner thighs.

✨ Stretches upper back, inner groin, glutes, front of thighs (quadriceps).

✨ Improves balance, proprioception (where your body is in space).

✨ Helps build confidence.

✨ Increases awareness and focus the mind.


➡️ Open your elbows to the sides wider than shoulder-width apart.

➡️ Look down and drift up your shoulders to your ears.

➡️ Hands not aligned.

➡️ Keep your hips too low.

➡️ Jump.

➡️ Let the fear take over.


If Crow Pose is too hard for you to perform safely, try these 5 variations to realize on your mat instead:

1/ If you find it hard to place your knees on your arms, squeeze knees to the outside of your triceps.

2/ If you find it difficult to lift both feet at once, lift them one at a time until you build enough strength in your arms and core muscles.

3/ If you are afraid to face-plant, place a block underneath your head and once you have found your balance and your pivot point, lift your head off the block.

4/ If you can’t get your knees high enough to lift up you, place a block or two underneath your feet and enter the pose as described previously.

5/ If you don't feel confident enough to enter this pose, you can place blocks under your head and feet.

Are you ready to challenge yourself in CROW Pose?

1/ From your Crow pose (Kakasana), try to strengthen your arms to go into Crane pose (Bakasana).

2/ From your Crow pose, try to jump back to go into your Four-Limbed Staff pose (Chaturanga Dandasana).

3/ From your Crow pose, try to move into a Trip Headstand (Salamba Sirasana II) and back

Now it's your turn and let me know in the comments section below how it was for you!

8 poses to improve your CROW pose

Below I have selected a few asanas that can help you develop the flexibility and strength needed to perform Crow pose:

◼️Top left corner: Side Lunge - Skandasana

◼️Top center: Boat pose with eagle arms – Navasana

◼️Top right corner: Bound Angle pose – Baddha Konasana

◼️Center-right: Garland pose - Malasana

◼️Lower right corner: Lizard Pose - Utthan Pristhasana

◼️Lower center: Four-Limbed Staff pose - Chaturanga Dandasana

◼️Lower left corner: Extended Side Angle pose – Utthita Parsvakonasana

◼️Center-left: Reclined Crow pose – Supta Kakasana

◼️Center: Crow pose - Kakasana


➡️ You can stay in each of these poses for 10 breaths before moving on to the next. And don't forget to repeat on the other leg if applies.

➡️ You can use blocks, books, blanket or any kind of supports to help you in each of these poses.

➡️ This asana requires strength and flexibility to perform. Be patient, gentle in your movements and listen to your body.

Come on your mat, enjoy this mini sequence and share your practice.

And if you have a bit of time, let me know in the comments section below how this practice was for you, I cannot wait to know and to read you!

With love,

Anne Po.

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